

发布时间: 2024-05-12 11:23:06北京青年报社官方账号





As rising labor costs and a mounting demographic crisis drive up global demand for both industrial and service robots, Siasun Robot & Automation Co, China's largest robot maker by sales revenue, plans to boost its innovation and manufacturing presence in more countries to tap the growing demand for "automated workers".


As the US dollar is still facing depreciation pressure, Sheng said the COVID-19 epidemic recovery offers an opportunity to accelerate yuan internationalization as several foreign investors are searching for financial products with steady value to avoid foreign exchange fluctuations. China, one of the countries that has controlled the pandemic at an early stage, has shown resilience in its economic recovery and the same will help strengthen its currency, he said.


As well as Santa Maria's lessons, other moves are being made to save the language. A Kristang textbook has been produced, as well as a mobile app and a CD of Catholic prayers and hymns.


As proud as I am of our progress and our inventions, I know that we will make mistakes along the way – some will be self-inflicted, some will be served up by smart and hard-working competitors. Our passion for pioneering will drive us to explore narrow passages, and, unavoidably, many will turn out to be blind alleys. But – with a bit of good fortune – there will also be a few that open up into broad avenues.


As the East African nation positions itself as a world-class specialty coffee destination, Chinese company Alibaba Group is lending a helping hand to raise its flavor and aroma profile through technologies and networks, as well as people dedicated to its promotion.


